Whose Report Will You Believe ?

Whose Report Will You Believe ?

There comes a time in life when everyone must sit down and do a self-evaluation of who they truly are. You may think you’re alone but I can assure you that so many people, in an effort to fit in, try and cover up their flaws and pretend to be something they are not. But I have come to discover that answering the question ‘who am I?’ is very key in discovering what my true identity is. So. Who am I really? Who are you really ? Who are we ?? We my dear friend are who God says we are. And who does God say we are? Well He says so many beautiful things about us in His word; He describes an identity so beautiful and amazing, you can’t help but feel special. But before we get into that, I’m sure the next question that might be lingering in your mind is: ‘why should I believe who God says I am?’ The answer is simple. Because He created you. You belong to Him. Before you were born, He knew you. Before you were formed in your mother’s womb He knew you by name. (Jeremiah 1:5) Isn’t that amazing ?! Choosing not to believe who He says you are and what He says about you is just like a carpenter working hard to make an arm chair and when he’s finally done, the arm chair insists that it’s a bed. Why ? Because it feels like a bed. Because everybody tells it that it looks like a bed, that it seems like a bed, so it must be a bed. Ridiculous right ? Well it’s the same thing with us. The world has no business dictating to us who we ought to be because the world didn’t create us. GOD did. So it’s high-time we stopped believing who the world says we are and start believing who God says we are. Ask yourself today; “whose report will I believe? God, or the world’s?” Remember, grasses may wither and flowers may fall but the word of the Lord stands forever. (1 Peter 1:24-25). God is not man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). His word is truth (John 17:17) Man’s words are fleeting. (Psalm 144:3-4). Even the Bible admonishes us not to believe man’s report (Isaiah 2:22) Choose today to believe no other than the Creator’s report of you.

The Real You

The Real You

Who are you when you are alone? Who are you behind closed doors? When the curtains are drawn and everybody leaves and it’s just you onstage, do you stay in character or your role changes? Do your actions around others reflect your morals when you are alone ? Do you stay true to your thoughts and beliefs irrespective of where you find yourself? Do you talk, act and dress the same or you have different personalities to suit different crowds?

It’s time to take a step back, look deep within yourself, re-evaluate your life and find answers to these questions. Your true self is who you are when no one else is watching. So take a minute to ask yourself: “who am I when I am alone?” The One who can best show you who you really are is the One who made you. You need to spend time with your Creator and ask Him to show you the original blueprint of your life; who He intended for you to become when He first made you.

Go to God. Give Him your heart, mind, will and intellect and tell Him to help you unlearn all the lies the world has told you about who you are, and learn the truth about who He made you to be. Allow Him mould and shape your thoughts, beliefs and perceptions. Ask Him for a fresh pair of eyes to see who you really are. Ask Him to let you see yourself the way He sees you, not how you or everybody else sees you. Ask Him to help you see the REAL you.

On that note, I’d like to share with you a beautiful prayer I recently discovered:

Dear Father, I come before You now, longing to know You better. As I read Your Word today, as I approach You in prayer, reveal not just Your truth to me, but tune my heart to beat with Yours.Draw me close and make me more like You. Help me to see through Your eyes, to think Your thoughts, to act according to Your wisdom, compelled by Your call to love.Your Word says in Psalm 145:18 that You are close to all who call on You in truth. Honour Your Word in my life this day and the rest of my days.In Jesus’ name I pray with thanksgiving. Amen.

Check out this podcast in your free timeMe, my selfie and God by Robert Madu

Brand New Shoes

Brand New Shoes


You’ve been wearing those old tattered shoes for too long! They weren’t made for you anyway. They’re the wrong size, off-colour and worn out. What’s worse, they’re an imitation of the real pair you ought to be wearing. But just in case you’re worried about being bare-footed when you take them off,  let me recommend to you a beautiful, brand new pair that was made just for you from the beginning of time but which you haven’t been wearing probably because you didn’t even know you had them! (Hosea 4:6) 

But unlike any other pair, this pair has a special name. It’s called Your True Identity. And you can find a pair in the Word of God, for free! In what God says about you. He calls you loved (John 15:9), worthy (Luke 12:6-7), royalty (1 Peter 2:9), precious (Isaiah 43:4) and so many other lovely things. I’ve tried my pair on and it fits perfectly because it was made for me. And unlike the old shoes I used to wear, these new ones are comfortable, unique and did I mention that they were free of charge?

What are you waiting for? Try yours on ! Take off your old shoes(the identity the world has given you), step into your brand new shoes(the identity GOD has given you) and walk in the identity that was destined for you from the beginning of time.

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