Randid Rant Pt. 2

Randid Rant Pt. 2

Oh come on, you didn’t actually believe I was gonna share just three lessons did you? You already know how much your girl likes to talk. And so without further ado, let’s get right into the rest of the lessons.

4. Made me think about what other people might be going through. Yes my face is constantly acting up and yes I’m afraid I might actually get a kidney infection and this is not me in anyway trying to belittle these conditions because they’re problems too but bruh. People have cancer. People have NEVER seen clear skin on their face a day in their life. People go to the hospital as often as I go to the loo (if you know me you know how often I pee) and then the anxiety just metamorphoses into gratitude. At least I have a face. At least my kidney works right ! At least I have a fully functioning throat for it to be sore. At least I have HAIR on my scalp! And then I start to pray. I pray for all those who may be going through something similar or worse. Must be incredibly frustrating. Especially for those who don’t know or have God ☹️

My best friend has the most beautiful skin I’ve actually ever seen with my eyes. I just want to touch her face sometimes. What? Face so smooth like chocolate melted cocoa butter NO HYPE. What people don’t know is, she’s battled with a skin problem for YEARS. Still does. And yet, whenever I go to her to complain about itchy bumps on my face that keep spreading because of God knows why, sis still finds a way to speak life into me and encourage me. And I always walk away feeling so humbled. Like WOW. My stress levels would be on 505% if I had to go through what she does. And then it makes me stop stressing about myself and pray for her instead. That leads me to

6. No matter how bad it feels like your situation is, there’s still SO MUCH to be thankful for.

7. Trust God. Don’t give up. Pray. He knows my body better than anyone out there. Heck He’s the GREAT PHYSICIAN ! If I keep asking Him persistently, Hell actually explain to me what’s going on and how I can make it better. God CARES about the little details of our lives (Psalm 37:23)

8. Be persistent. Don’t stop praying. Don’t stop drinking water. Just. Don’t stop. It’s especially frustrating when you can’t see quick fix results but. DONT STOP.

9. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE! I can’t emphasise this enough. Don’t hang out with naysayers who always shut you down and be like ‘girl please people have REAL problems‘. Surround yourself with people who will encourage you and lift you up but at the same time tell you in the most loving way to snap out of it.

BIG BIG shout out to my mama bear, my sister Nizzle (lmao this proper feels like a thank you speech, but then again it kind of is…), my best friend T (who is my daily reminder of God’s love for me), my law school girls (honestly the BEST. By the time they’re done talking to you you’ll feel like Miss Universe for sure. They always have me feeling like what? Pimples?? Where ??? Love them!), my real life Elmo (always stuns me with her straight-from-the-heart compliments at the most random times that leave me with no option than to feel beautiful) and last but not least, my friend Timothy  (who always knows just what to say to pick you up, dust you off and make you keep going. He’ll listen to me complain and then set me straight. He does just that; encourages me and lovingly tells me to snap out of it. And always makes sure I laugh while he’s at it.)

I am so thankful. Too too thankful. To be surrounded by such positive people and to be able to glean all these precious lessons from this period of frustration is a MAJOR blessing I don’t take for granted at all. It’s funny how anxious and frustrated I was when I started writing this post and now? All I feel is gratitude.

It WILL get better. Whoever may be struggling with their health in one way or the other or frustrated with their body because they have no idea what’s going on with it (worst feeling ever), you’re going to be okay.

Don’t let anxiety overwhelm you.

Pray and trust that God will come through.

Drink lots of water (I can’t believe I’m saying this lol).

Use your situation as an avenue to intercede for others (my friend Ven taught me that)

and lastly,


Declaration:  “I am healthy, strong and fit because God says so. I believe HIS report over any doctor’s. It doesn’t matter what that lab result says or what that scan shows. My body is His temple. And I resolve to treat it as such. So help me God.

Randid Rant

Randid Rant


Can I please just vent really quickly for a minute ? Thanks.

So I’ve been turning it over in my head about whether or not to write a post about what the past few weeks have been like for me. Today, incredibly frustrated and almost hopeless, I finally decided to.

For the past few weeks my body has really been acting up on me. It started with my face. Then it was my hair. Then my digestive tract. And then everything in between.

I can’t even begin to describe how frustrating it’s been for me not knowing what’s going on with my body. At least if I knew, I’d know how to deal with the problem from the root. But I’m not even sure. And I’ve tried everything. I’ve prayed (albeit not hard enough I guess), I’ve cried, I’ve taken meds, I’ve tried all the natural stuff, adjusted my diet, upped my water game.

But nope. Nothing seems to be working.

One health complication after the other. It is such a helpless feeling. And I can’t help but blame myself for this because I feel like my body is paying me back for all the times I took it for granted and didn’t take proper care of it. So I feel like my complaints and frustrations aren’t even justified.

This period has really forced me to think about how irresponsible a steward I’ve been for this temple of mine. I can’t help but wonder if I’d have gone through any of this if I had been more diligent. But all of this has done a few things to me/taught me a few things.

1. Tested my faith. Like SAT crazy type test not those cute quick mental/spelling tests we used to do in primary school. It has challenged me to keep believing in God and not letting anxiety get the best of me despite it looking like it’s not going to get any better.

2. Built resistance and intention in me because sometimes I literally have to look myself in the mirror and give myself a stern talk and say “no! You will NOT have this defeatist attitude. You will not allow this test to drown you because you NEED to rise above it like the victor you are.”

3. Forced me to love water. Drink your water. DRINK YOUR WATER! Drink o. I’ve never liked water. I think it tastes funny. And I’ve always thought that whole ‘drink lots of water’ thing was a cliche. But bro. It’s not. You may not see it instantly but you’re doing your body a whooole lot of good if you stay drinking water. *picks bottle up to drink some water*.

If you don’t treat your body right your body will not treat you right.
